Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care
Despite advances in cancer screening, detection, diagnosis, and management, many patients face challenges in accessing patient-centered, high-quality care in the United States due to systemic, cultural, and individual barriers. One evidence-based method for overcoming these obstacles is patient navigation, which aims to improve cancer outcomes and equity by reducing barriers and facilitating patients’ access to care.
In this report, the President’s Cancer Panel (the Panel) identifies four priorities and related recommendations regarding the development and use of technology for cancer patient navigation. Implementation of these recommendations should align with two foundational values: first, that technology should be used to augment, not replace, human interaction; and second, that access to or use of technology should not be a requirement for accessing high-quality cancer care and patient navigation.

Explore the Report
Letter to President Biden
In their letter to the President, the Panel members outline their findings and recommendations and express their appreciation for his support of the cancer community.
Recommendations at a Glance
View a table of the Panel’s recommendations.
Executive Summary
This short summary of the report includes background information and context, as well as brief descriptions of the Panel’s priority areas and recommendations.
Part I. Achieving Equity in Cancer Care: The Need for Navigation and the Promise of Technology
This section includes background on the history and current state of health equity, cancer patient navigation, and the potential of technology to support health and healthcare.
Part II. Taking Action to Improve Equity with Technology-Supported Navigation
The Panel outlines four priorities and related recommendations regarding the development and use of technology for cancer patient navigation.
Part III. Conclusions
The Panel encourages continued action to enhance patient navigation and health equity through the responsible development and use of technology.
About the Panel Members
Members of the President’s Cancer Panel planned and executed a series of workshops in 2023 on leveraging technology to enhance patient navigation and improve equity. A report with findings and recommendations was submitted to the White House in 2024.
Suggested citation: Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care: A Report to the President of the United States from the President’s Cancer Panel. Bethesda (MD); 2024 Nov. Available from: https://prescancerpanel.cancer.gov/reports-meetings/enhancing-patient-navigation-2024
Posted: November 21, 2024