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Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care

Despite advances in cancer screening, detection, diagnosis, and management, many patients face challenges in accessing patient-centered, high-quality care in the United States due to systemic, cultural, and individual barriers. One evidence-based method for overcoming these obstacles is patient navigation, which aims to improve cancer outcomes and equity by reducing barriers and facilitating patients’ access to care.

In this report, the President’s Cancer Panel (the Panel) identifies four priorities and related recommendations regarding the development and use of technology for cancer patient navigation. Implementation of these recommendations should align with two foundational values: first, that technology should be used to augment, not replace, human interaction; and second, that access to or use of technology should not be a requirement for accessing high-quality cancer care and patient navigation.

Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care - Report Cover

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Suggested citation: Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care: A Report to the President of the United States from the President’s Cancer Panel. Bethesda (MD); 2024 Nov. Available from:

Posted: November 21, 2024
